Liza Edwards and Drew Jordan

Dear Henry,

Thank you for giving us a fantastic tour of your incredible country. We know you don’t guide many Americans so we appreciate you putting up with all of our questions, request and constant lateness! We will not soon forget all of your wisdom, your animated story tells, your moral guides and your amazing chuckle.

I guess we described ourselves as easy to please, but honestly as New Yorkers, it takes a lot to impress and surprise us. We were delighted by your tour everyday.
Henry, With your leadership we saw herds of elephants we never though we’ll see, overcame fears ( Drew: Climbing a very high rock, Liz: Caves) and got to learn first hand of a culture we knew very little about before our arrival in Sri Lanka. Your enthusiasm increased our enthusiasm. Thank you for being our honeymoon spirit guide!

We hope you will come to the U.

S to visit soon.

Warmly and fondly,

Sri Lanka Tailor-made